Association Mondiale des Anciennes et Anciens du Sacré-Coeur (
AMASC) is a unique worldwide organization of alumnae and alumni who share the privilege of receiving an education based on the love of God and of one another.
This education has fostered, within the receivers, respect for the uniqueness of each individual with different gifts and talents, the realization of the responsibility to develop and use these talents for the benefit of all, and a strong sense of social justice, which impels to action. The aims of the World Association are:
- to be at the service of humanity for the construction of a just and cohesive society, with an increased awareness of its social responsibility, and a commitment to faith lived in both a personal and community dimension;
- to create and maintain friendship and solidarity among all the National Federations and Associations so as to bring about true international collaboration;
- to cooperate actively and effectively with the Society of the Sacred Heart in its mission and ministries;
- to have an effective voice in the international organizations to which AMASC belongs, with a constant concern for discernment and open-mindedness.
The International Association of Alumnae and Alumni of Sacred Heart meets every four years in a World Congress. XVI AMASC World Congress will be held in 2018 in Mérida, Yucatán MEXICO. We will share further details as we get closer to the date.